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For complex deals, which require ‘whirlwind’ speed to implement or includes numerous investor interests – we get it over the line timely and to budget.

Banking and Finance

Munkanta Legal team has extensive and practical experience in the Banking and Finance field, ranging from assisting Clients with Financial Services Licensing to providing Financial Regulatory advice.

We also offer legal representation in complex transactions with a view of securing our Clients securities and assets

Projects and Infrastructure Contracts

Our Infrastructure & Construction Law Practice provides clients with strategic advice on contracts and complying with the specific full array of regulatory, planning and land use requirements applicable to their contracts.

Munkanta Legal lawyers work with top professionals to ensure that nothing impedes a program’s progress. Our lawyers can help clients with written and negotiated construction and design contracts, administered contracts, negotiated land purchases and ground leases, and advise on other legal matters. When necessary, we represent our clients in legal disputes that can arise in these areas.

Conveyancing and Real Estate

Munkanta Legal provides Conveyancing and Real Estate services to both individual and commercial Clients. These services stretch from negotiating complex land transactions and conducting due diligence searches to ensure that our client’s interests are properly safeguarded.

We also undertake the process of transferring any legal ownership rights in property by lodging Contracts of Sale, and various deeds such as Assignments and Leases. Our team also facilitates the conversion of customary property to leasehold title. We also register Mortgages, Charges and Debentures.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Munkanta Legal litigation team helps prevent and resolve disputes before the Subordinate Courts, the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court in Zambia. We also represent clients before various specialized Tribunals such as the Lands Tribunal, the Tax Appeals Tribunal and the Competition & Consumer Protection Tribunal. We assist clients in the settlement of disputes using Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanisms such as Mediation and Arbitration. 
We as a team are committed to resolving disputes as efficiently as possible and are committed to offering solutions that are practical and client specific.

Employment law

Munkanta Legal employment law practice is specially tailored to ensure support to our clients’ in a heavily regulated employment sector. We ensure compliance with the labour laws and offer advice on various labour related contracts and policy documents.  We also support our Clients’ by mediating disputes and appearing before employment related forums such as the Labour Commission as well as representing them before the Courts in Zambia.

Corporate and Commercial Law

Munkanta Legal team is well vested in all aspects of business and commerce in Zambia. We possess a keen insight into legal challenges that are faced by businesses in Zambia from formation of a company to its dissolution.

We are well equipped with requisite experience in matters relating to shareholder rights, mergers and acquisitions as well as negotiating, documenting and implementing local deals and managing legal risk.


Munkanta Legal securitization team has experience in business and sales structures from securitized assets like commercial and residential mortgages, rental properties, trade receivables and consumer and corporate loans.

Tax Law

Munkanta Legal tax practice is concerned with the legal aspects of taxation. We provide a full range of tax services to companies in the commercial sector experiencing complex tax issues as they do business.

Our team has experience in various tax related matters, including tax audits, administrative appeals, and claims for refunds, civil litigation and criminal tax matters.

Legislative Drafting

Munkanta Legal team consists of competent lawyers who are dedicated to contributing to the development of laws in Zambia through the review and drafting of local legislation.

Our Drafting practice involves providing consultation services on key bills and statutory instruments through conducting a comprehensive gap analysis to determine existing gaps in legislation and see how best to improve them in the weight of international best practices and proven legislative review implementations in other jurisdictions. We provide valuable recommendations for amendments to existing laws, regulation rules and policies. 

Insurance Law

Munkanta Legal offers insurers and insureds high-quality, cost-effective legal counsel and litigation experience in all aspects of insurance law.

Our insurance lawyers can help to guide and advise their clients through the adjustment and investigation stage of the claims once coverage issues become apparent to the client.

Debt recovery

Our firm exploits various legal options and enforcement mechanisms for the efficient recovery of debts on behalf of our Clients. We carefully assess each Clients particular needs and employ the methods which are best suitable.

We assist our Clients in Debt recovery negotiations with debtors, as well as, assist them in the drafting and reviewing of debt agreements. We also institute debt recovery actions, which include actions for the recovery of secured debts.

Financial Lending arrangements

Munkanta Legal team has extensive and practical experience in financial and lending arrangements and other forms of specialized finance.

We also offer legal representation in complex transactions with a view of securing our Clients financial needs and assets.